Our Services Business Valuation
For some people, a closely held business is one of their most valuable assets. Unfortunately, many small business owners scratch their heads when asked how much their business is worth.
A valuation provides information for key decisions
- How much is our business worth and how can we make it more valuable?
- What type of financing is required to meet our goals? How much is required?
- How can we improve profitability?
- Do our financial statements reflect management’s operating philosophies?
- How do we safeguard our assets?
- How do we measure what matters?
Most small to mid-sized businesses hire a CPA for tax returns, compilations and audits. However, few business owners routinely request a business valuation. This situation is indeed a paradox, as a business valuation is one of the most valuable services a CPA can offer.
CPA service
Tax return
Soon after year-end
To satisfy IRS requirements.
Monthly, quarterly
To evaluate historical numbers.
Soon after year-end
To satisfy the requirement of creditors or the SEC.
Business valuation
Recommended every 3 years
- To value an important asset.
- To get a vision for the future.
- To improve decision making.
- To assist in long-range plans.
- To understand what drives value.
A business valuation is a forward looking instrument that is an integral part of strategic and financial planning. A valuation is more than numbers; it is a stepping stone to opportunities. To better understand why we say a business valuation is more than numbers, visit our sample cases page.